LATREILLE lake Fly-In Lodge
Latreille Lake Lodge
Latreille Lake Lodge is a fly-In fishing and hunting area 80 air miles northeast of Vermilion Bay, Ontario, and is accessible only by float plane. We offer American Plan service at the Main Lodge, and have two Outpost Camps on adjoining lakes. Fishing for walleye and northern pike is exceptional! Spring and fall bear hunting, as well as moose hunting, are also available. We offer approximately 300 miles of pristine shoreline to fish and explore!
Latreille Lake is connected to Margaret Lake by a smooth winding river. From Margaret Lake, where we have one outpost camp, is the Wenesaga River as well as two portage lakes, Allison and Marsh Lake. Allison Lake is home to our second outpost camp.
Latreille Lake Lodge has the only permanent facilities on the four lakes and presents outdoor enthusiasts with all the privacy expected for a remote fly-in facility with pure water and old growth forests. We have fewer than 200 people visit our lodge annually, and conservation fishing packages sustain the ecosystem. There is always an owner/operator present at the lodge to ensure your vacation with us will be a huge success.
Wildlife abounds in the surrounding area. Species observed include: moose, caribou, black bears, wolves, wolverines, beavers, otters, rabbits, squirrels, martens, bald eagles, osprey, grouse, loons, Canada geese and several varieties of ducks.
Main Lodge
Our Main Lodge has ten double occupancy bedrooms and four fully equipped bathrooms with indoor plumbing. We provide the towels and linens. The kitchen is equipped with everything needed for us to prepare home-cooked meals and fabulous desserts.
The Main Lodge also has a large common area with rocking chairs, game tables, TV/DVD player, wood burning stove and dining area. Outside the common area is an 800 square foot screened-in porch with a ping pong table for evening tournaments.
Our facility is equipped with diesel generators for lighting, water pressure, refrigerator, freezer and other electrical power needs.
Private Cabin
For groups who prefer more privacy, we have a fully modern Private Cabin that will accommodate up to 8 people behind the Main Lodge with a southern view of Latreille Lake. It has four double occupancy bedrooms, one bathroom, living room and an elevated walk-out deck. All meals are served in the Main Lodge.
Full service, home-cooked meals are included for our American Plan guests at the Lodge. The typical meals and schedule are outlined below.
Breakfast is served around 7:00 a.m., and usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, grits, pancakes, French toast, Red River cereal and walleye.
Lunch, served around 1:00 p.m., is generally light and may include homemade soups such as walleye chowder, chicken noodle soup or our 3rd Place Chili (there’s a story behind the name). We also have been known to throw a shore lunch sometime during your stay with walleye (of course), fried potatoes, baked beans and diced tomatoes.
Dinner is served around 7:00 p.m. and, depending on special requests from our guests, usually consists of walleye along with another main course such as T-Bone steaks, pork loin, prime rib, BBQ chicken, lasagna, hamburgers, or one of our many other special dishes. We also serve fresh steamed vegetables along with homemade breads and salads. After dinner we have been known to serve homemade ice cream with fresh strawberries, or pies and cakes, also made from scratch, of course!
Keep in mind that our menu is flexible and we graciously accept suggestions on meal and schedule variations. For example, some folks like to have only two large meals each day, coffee and biscuits at 6:30 a.m., a brunch at 11:00 a.m. and a hearty dinner at 5:00 p.m. Also, to the extent we can, we try to avoid high fat/high cholesterol foods. Feel free to request special preparations for special diets. Please e-mail special requests at least one week prior to your visit to the lodge.
Note: The American Plan rate does not include alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, special dietary needs or snack foods
The lodge is equipped with satellite internet. If your laptop computer is set up for wireless technology you can use it at the Main Lodge at no additional cost.
Please meet us at our Cedar Lake Base at the Northern Lights Resort, and fly out from there.
Directions to our Cedar Lake Base from International Falls/Fort Frances- MN/ON Border:
Go East on Hwy. 11 (20 miles)
North on Hwy. 502 (90 miles)
East into Dryden on 594 (6 miles)
West on Hwy. 17 to Vermilion Bay (24 miles)
North on Hwy. 105 (24 miles)
Right on Camp Robinson Road (1 mile) camp is on the left
Please visit the Northern Lights Resort page on this website to see where we are on Google Maps